Articles and Chapters
“The Future of Framing Research” Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly Vol 96 No. 1, 2019.
“Doris Graber’s Insights on Taming the Information Tide” Political Communication, Vol 35, No. 3, 2018.
“Hardwired for News: Affective Intelligence and Political Attention” (with Michael B. MacKuen and George E. Marcus) Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, Vol 62, No. 4, 2018.
“The Paradox of the Paradigm: An Important Gap in Media Effects Research” Journal of Communication, Special Issue on Ferment in the Field, Vol 68, No. 2, 2018.
“Three Guys Walk Into a Bar: An Information Theoretic Analysis“, Information, Communication & Society, Vol 22, No. 2, 2017.
“The Impact of Undergraduate Foreign Language Requirements” May 18, Inside Higher Education, 2017.
“Survey Measures of Emotional Response: Comparing Alternative Approaches to Measurement” (with George E. Marcus and Michael B. MacKuen) 1-22, Political Science Research and Methods. 2015.
“Charting the Future of US Higher Education: A Look at the Spellings Report Ten Years Later.” Liberal Education. Vol 103, No. 1, Winter, 2017.
“The Coming Singularity of Media Regulation: The American Case” feature article. International Journal of Communication, v11. pp. 1-17, 2017.
“Big Media, Big Data and the Politics of Issue Framing” (with Lauren Guggenheim, Seung Mo Jang and Soo Young Bae) in Toward Computational Social Science: Exploiting Big Data in the Digital Age Shah et al., ed. Sage and American Academy of Political & Social Science, 2015.
“Big Data, Digital Media, and Computational Social Science: Possibilities and Perils” (with Dhavan Shah and Joseph Cappella in Toward Computational Social Science: Exploiting Big Data in the Digital Age Shah et al., ed. Sage and American Academy of Political & Social Science, 2015.
The Dynamics of Public Attention: Agenda-Setting Theory Meets Big Data (with Lauren Guggenheim, S. Mo Jang, and Soo Young Bae). Journal of Communication 6 (2), 193-214, 2014. (Lead Article).
Communication Research – View from the Europe: Evolving Paradigms of Communication Research (with Klaus Bruhn Jensen). International Journal of Communication 7 (2013), Feature 230-238.
Taming the Informaiton Tide: Perceptions of Information Overload in the American Home” (with Eszter Hargittai and Olivia Curry) The Information Society 28: 161-173, 2012.
Tracking the Flow of Information into the Home: An Empirical Assessment of the Digital Revolution in the United States, 1960–2005. International Journal of Communication 6 (2012), 1022–1041
“Tracking the Flow of Information into the home: An Empirical Assessment of the Digital Revolution in the US from 1960-2005.” (with Yong Jin Park & Elliot Panek)
“The Internet and Four Dimensions of Citizenship” (with Bruce Bimber and Matthew Hindman) The Oxford Handbook of American Public Opinion and the Media, Robert Y. Shapiro and Larwence R. Jacobs. (eds.) New York University Press, 2011.
“Parsimony and Complexity: Developing and Testing Theories of Affective Intelligence” (with George Marcus and Michael MacKuen) Political Psychology 32(April): 323-336, 2011.
“The Evolution of Media Effects Theory: A Six-Stage Model of Cumulative Research” (with Lauren Guggenheim) Communication Theory 21(2): 169-196, 2011. (a list of the 200 most cited studies)
“Common Knowledge and the New Media” in Japanese Language Edition, Common Knowledge: News and the Contruction of Political Meaning, Tuttle-Mori/Keio University, 2009.
“Theories of Media Evolution” in Media Technology and Society: The Challenge of Digital Convergence, forthcoming, University of Michigan Press, 2009.
“The Seven Deadly Sins of Communication Research” (with Roei Davidson, Sung-Hee Joo, Yong Jin Park, and Ann Williams), Journal of Communication, Vol 58(2) 2008.
“Interactivity, Concept of” in International Encyclopedia of Communication, Blackwell Publishers and the International Communication Association 2007.
“Interaction” in International Encyclopedia of Communication, Blackwell Publishers and the International Communication Association 2007.
“Globalization and the New Media” Pp. 230-246 in Doris Graber, Denis McQuail, Pippa Norris (Eds.) The Politics of News: the News of Politics. Washington DC: Congressional Quarterly Press, 2007.
“The Third Way: The Theory of Affective Intelligence and American Democracy” (with Michael Mackuen, George Marcus, and Luke Keele) Pp. 124-151 in The Affect Effect: The Dynamics of Emotion in Political Thinking and Behavior. University of Chicago Press, 2007.
“Theorizing Affect’s Effect” (with George Marcus, Michael Mackuen and Ann Crigler) Pp 1-20 in The Affect Effect: The Dynamics of Emotion in Political Thinking and Behavior. University of Chicago Press, 2007
“Ways out: Reconciling industry restructuring and competition” in Michigan State University DCL. Law Review. Vol.3. 2003.
“Building Out Broadband: Findings and Recommendations.” Report for the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology. September 2002.
“Social Implications of the Internet” (with Paul Dimaggio, Eszter Harigittai, and John Robinson) in Annual Review of Sociology. Vol. 27. Palo Alto, CA: 2001
“Convergence Conference: Bridging the Digital Divide” in Michigan Telecommunications and Technology Law Review. Vol 9. 2001.
“A Taxonomy of Communications Demand” (with Steven Lanning and Shawn R. O’Donnell) in Ingo Vogelsang and Benjamin M. Compaine (Eds.) The Internet Upheaval: Raising Questions, Seeking Answers in Communications Policy. Mahwah NJ: Erlbaum, 2000.
“The Impact of the New Media” in W. Lance Bennett and Robert M. Entman (Eds.) Mediated Politics : Communication in the Future of Democracy. New York: Cambridge University Press. 2000.
“Broadcasting and Bandwidth” in Darcy Gerbarg (Ed.) The Economics and Technology of Digital TV. Norwell MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 1999.
“Themes and Superthemes in Audience Decodings of Television News”(with David Swanson, Ann Crigler and Michael Gurevitch) in Klaus Bruhn Jensen, (Ed) News of the World : World Cultures Look at Television News (Routledge Research in Cultural and Media Studies, 4). New York: Routledge. 1998.
“The Global Impact of New Technologies” in Doris Graber, Denis McQuail, Pippa Norris (Eds.) The Politics of News: The News of Politics. Washington DC: Congressional Quarterly Press. 1998.
“MegaMedia: The Growth of International Media Conglomerates” in Eli Noam and Alex J. Wolfson, (Eds.) Globalism and Localism in Telecommunications. Elsevier. 1997.
“Dynamic Models of Emotional Response: The Multiple Role of Affect in Politics.” (with George E. Marcus, Michael MacKuen and John L. Sullivan). In R. Y. Shapiro, M. Delli Carpini, & L. Huddy (Eds.) Research in Micropolitics, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press. 1996.
“Political Communications Infrastructure” The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. July 1996.
“Cognitive and Affective Dimensions of Political Conceptualization” (with Ann Crigler and Marion Just) in Ann Crigler (ed.) The Psychology of Political Communication. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. 1996.
“Technology Policy and the National Information Infrastructure,” (with Lee McKnight ) in William J. Drake (ed.) The New Information Infrastructure: Strategies for U.S. Policy. New York: Twentieth Century Fund Press. 1995.
“Interpreting Visual versus Audio Messages in Television News” (with Ann Crigler and Marion Just) Journal of Communications, Autumn 1994.
“The Politics of a Paradigm Shift: Telecommunications Regulation and the Communications Revolution,” (with Lee McKnight and Richard Jay Solomon) Political Communication, Vol.10, No.1, 1993.
“The Changing Global Marketplace of Ideas: Information and Power in the 21st Century.” The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs Vol.17, No.1, Winter 1993.
“Communications Policy in Crisis” in Sapolsky et al., (eds.) The Telecommunications Revolution: Past Present and Future. New York: Routledge. 1992.
“The Threshold of Public Attention,” Public Opinion Quarterly, Vol. 54, No.2, Summer 1990.
“Parallel Content Analysis: Old Paradigms and New Proposals,” in George Comstock (ed.) Public Communication and Behavior, Orlando FL: Academic Press. 1988.
“Programming Diversity and the Future of Television,” in Stuart Oskamp (ed.) Applied Social Psychology Annual, Vol. 8. Newbury Park CA: Sage Publications. 1987.
“The Flow of Information Into the Home” (with Ithiel de Sola Pool), in Sandra J. Ball?Rokeach and Muriel G. Cantor (eds.), Media, Audience and Social Structure. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications. 1986.
“The Media Habit,” in Martin Greenberger (ed.), Electronic Publishing Plus. White Plains NY: Knowledge Industries Press. 1985.
“Patterns of Political Cognition: An Exploration of the Public Mind,” (with Ann Crigler Fryling) in Sidney Kraus and Richard Perloff (eds.), Mass Media And Political Thought: An Information-processing Approach. Beverly Hills: Sage. 1986.
“Politics as Usual,” in Franklin J. Havlicek (ed.), Election Communications and the Election of 1992. Washington, DC: American Bar Association. 1984.
“Television and American Culture: The mass Medium and the Pluralist Audience,” Public Opinion Quarterly, Vol. 46, No.4, Winter 1982.
“The Ebb and Flow of Social Research on Television,” in The Social Impact of Television, NY: Aspen Institute. 1981.
“Differentiation and Integration: Two Dimensions of Political Thinking,” American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 86, No.6, May 1981.
“Patterns of Recall Among Television News Viewers,” Public Opinion Quarterly, Vol. 40, No.1, Spring 1976.
“The Stability of Support for the Political System: The Impact of Watergate,” (with Sniderman, Citrin, McClosky and Shanks), American Politics Quarterly, Vol. 3, No.4, October 1975.