“FCC Telephone Network in Transition” Dec 2011, Expert Panel Discussion: Dr. W. Russ Neuman |
“The Demand for Security” IBM Global Business Service, Bethesda MD. May 2008. |
“Reforming the Media Reform Movement” Invited Presentation, “Information and the Information Economy” McGannon Center, Fordham University, May 2008. |
“In the Shadow of the Tower of Babel” Invited Presentation, University of Pennsylvania, Annenberg School, March 2008. |
“The Economics of Digital Journalism” Invited Presentation, Princeton University December 2007 |
“The Border of the Future” Invited Presentation, IBM, Vancouver Canada. |
Keynote: “Content, Conduit and Commericals” Columbia University Center for Tele-Information Conference on Ultra Broadband, June 2007. |
Keynote: “Political Communication in the Digital Age” Telecommunication Association of Michigan, Lansing Michigan May 2006. |
“In the Shadow of the Tower of Babel” Invited Presentation, University of Illinois, November 2005.
“Ten Key Questions for New Media Research” Invited presentation, Indiana University Department of Telecommunication, Bloomington, Indiana, April 2005.
“Ten Things You Should Know about the Media Concentration Controversy” Invited paper, Not From Concentrate: Media Regulation at the Turn of the Millennium University of Michigan Law School, March 19 2005, forthcoming in The University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform.
“American Privacy Policy” invited panelist. The Communitarian Summit, George Washington University, Washington DC, July 2004.
“Understanding the Cultural Filters” in Session: Culture Matters: Setting the Agenda for Comparative Research on Communication Technology and Democracy. International Communication Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, May 2004.
“The Digital Experience” invited paper GEL Conference Good Experience Live, New York, May 2004.
The Digital Experience
“The Dark Side of the New Media: Technology and Personal Privacy” Invited paper for Voice and Citizenship: Re-thinking Theory and Practice in Political Communication Conference, University of Washington, April 2004.
“The Privacy Paradox” Ininvited paper, Distinguished Lecture Series, Department of Politcal Science, University of Rochester, March 2004.
“Digital convergence: Now” in LSA Magazine. Spring 2002. |
“Understanding the Web: A Special Opportunity for Policy Relevant Research” Annenberg Public Policy Center, Philadelphia, April 1999.
“Local News in the Digital Era” (with Hugh Carter Donahue) Annenberg Public Policy Center, Washington DC, April 1998.
“Building the Digital Bridge: A Russian American Partnership in Telecommunications and Media” (with Mikhail Kazachkov, Terrence P. McGarty, Shawn O’Donnell and Brian Regli) Annenberg Public Policy Center, Washington DC, March 1998.
“The Public Sector and the Private Sector in the Digital Age: New Questions for Research” NSF Conference on Digital Government and Knowledge and Distributed Intelligence Initiative, Alexandria VA, November 1997.
“Broadcasting and Bandwidth” Columbia University Center for Tele-Information, November 1997.
“Communication Technology and the Global Village” Kennedy School Summer Seminar on the Changing Role of National Governance, Bretton Woods, July 1997.
“News Prism” News in the Future Consortium, MIT Media Lab, May 1997.
Testimony at Copyright Tribunal Hearings on Satellite Transmission, Washington DC May 1997.
“Wired to Win: Canada’s International Competitive Position in Communication.” Canadian Senate Communication Subcommittee Testimony, March 1997
“Is the Public Ready for News on Computers?” Nieman Reports Fall 1995. |
“The Next Wave on the Internet” News in the Future Consortium, MIT Media Lab, May 1996.
“News on Command” News in the Future Consortium, MIT Media Lab, October 1995.
“The Demographics of the Internet” Digital Life Consortium, MIT Media Lab, October 1995.
“Toward a Global Information Infrastructure” (edited) United States Information Agency Special Publication Series, Washington DC 1995.
Aspen Roundtable on International Telecommunications, panelist, Aspen CO, July1995.
“The Social Impact of Telecommunications Technology, “Chinese State Planning Commission, Ministry of Posts & Telecommunications, Nortel, Toronto, Canada, July 1995.
“Information and Communications Technologies” USIA Junior Officer Training Program, Washington DC, June 1995.
The Future of Russia’s Telecommunications Infrastructure: Toward an Open Communications Environment. (with Franklin Miller, Shawn O’Donnell and Brian Regli) Gorbachev Foundation and Russian Duma, Moscow, June 1995.
“The New Competitive Environment for Broadcasting,” National Association of Broadcasters Joint Boards, Boca Raton, January 1995.
Brazilian Telecommunications in Transition: A New Strategy for Competitiveness (with Lee W. McKnight, Jose Roberto Ferro and Antonio Jose J. Botelho) Telebras, Brasilia, Brazil, September 1994.
Information Haves and Have-Nots: Dueling Superhighways (with Peter Cukor) (Edited) Murrow Center Working Paper, April 1994.
Competitive Advantage Through Standard Setting: The Changing International Arena for Setting Technical Standards in Communications (with Peter Cukor) (Edited) Murrow Center Working Paper, April 1994.
“Connecting to the Information Superhighway” Atlantic City, Summer 1994.
Information Superhighway
“The Electronic Future” Boston Globe Think Tank, Newport RI, March 1994.
“Reinventing Government” Information Technology Association of Canada, February 1994.
“The New Media Environment” Invited Lecture, USIA, Washington DC. December 1993. National Association of Broadcasters Futures Summit Carlsbad CA , January 1994.
“HDTV: Boom or Bust” Broadcasting Interface VII, Washington DC, November 1993.
“Newspapers in the Information Age” Keynote Lecture, University of North Carolina, November 1993.
“The Communications Revolution: Who Wins, Who Loses?” NYU Colloquium on Computers and Communications, New York, October 1993.
“The Growth of International Media Conglomerates.” in “Beyond Territoriality: The Rise of Globalism in Communications” Columbia Institute for Tele-Information. October 1993.
“Industrial Strategies in the New Communications Environment” Gordon Institute, Tufts University, August 1993.
“The Economics of Advanced Television: Comparing Interoperable and Non-Interoperable Approaches to Digital Architecture” (with Robert Cohen and Bruce Jacobson) MIT Research Program on Communications Policy Technical Report, April 1993.
“A Balanced Strategy for International Broadcasting.” (with Stuart N. Brotman) Testimony before the House Subcommittee on International Operations, Committee of Foreign Affairs, March 1993.
“What TV Can Teach Us” Presstime March 1993.
The Changing Role of Government in an Era of Deregulation: Options for Telecom Regulatory Processes and Procedures. (with Michael Tyler, Susan Bednarczyk and Stuart Brotman) Geneva: International Telecommunications Union. February 1993.
“News Research: Common Knowledge,” American Society of Newspaper Editors Bulletin, October 1992.
“Emerging Technologies in Consumer Retailing” (with Hazel Kahan) Quest & Associates, Atlanta GA, August 1992.
“Is the Mass Audience Ready for the New Media Revolution?” (with Hazel Kahan) MIT Media Laboratory, Television of Tomorrow Project, May 1992.
“Contrast Ratio and Resolution in Subjective Evaluations of Image Quality,” MIT Media Laboratory, Television of Tomorrow Project, May 1992.
“An Economic Theory of Learning from News” (with Marion Just and Ann Crigler) Research Paper R-6, Joan Shorenstein Barone Center of Press, Politics and Public Policy, Kennedy School, Harvard University, Cambridge MA 1992.
“Competing in a Changing Advertising Marketplace,” American Newspaper Publishers Association, New York, May 1992.
“Competing in Local Telecommunications,” Bellcore, Morristown NJ, May 1992.
“The Future of the Mass Audience,” Aspen Institute, Santa Barbara CA , February 1992.
“Technology and Marketing,” Quest and Associates, Santa Cruz CA, February 1992.
“Open Communications Infrastructure: A New Policy Initiative,” (with Lee McKnight and Richard Jay Solomon) MIT Media Laboratory, December 1991.
“Personal Communications Services: The Hidden Harvest,” Testimony before the Federal Communications Commission En Banc Hearings on Personal Communications Services, December 1991.
“Strategic Alliances in the New Media Environment,” Quest and Associates, Naples FL, November 1991.
“The New Media ,” Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communications Annual Conference, Boston, August 1991.
“Variables in the Viewing Experience: Preliminary Findings in a Study of Contrast, Resolution and Luminance in Advanced Imaging Systems,” (with Michael A. Kriss) MIT Media Laboratory, TV of Tomorrow Project, Torino Italy, June 1991.
“Personal Communications Services,” Columbia Institute for Tele-Information, Columbia University, May 1991.
“Television Sound and Viewer Perceptions,” (with Ann N. Crigler, and V. Michael Bove) Proceedings of the Joint IEEE/Audio Engineering Society Meetings, Detroit Michigan February 1991.
“Bridging Boundaries” in The Annual Review of Communications and Society The Aspen Institute. 1990. |
“The Future of Media Competition in the International Arena,” Europ/America, Foro Internacional sobre el Futuro de la Informacion, Valencia, Spain, December 1990.
“The Shape of Public Knowledge” Newspaper Advertising Bureau Public Affairs Workshop, Gannett Center, Columbia University, October 1990.
“HDTV and Industrial Policy,” Testimony before the Senate Small Business Committee, Economic Roundtable, May 1990.
“Beyond HDTV: Exploring Subjective Responses to Very High Definition Television, “MIT Media Laboratory, Television of Tomorrow Research Consortium, May 1990.
“Waiting for the Network to Happen” Testimony before the House Subcommittee on Telecommunications and Finance, October 1989.
“Demand for HDTV,” Telco-Cable Conference, Telecommunications Reports and the Yankee Group, Washington DC, September,1989.
“What is the HDTV Debate Really About?” Testimony before the House Committee on Science Space and Technology, June 1989.
“The New Media and the Changing Consumer,” American Demographics Consumer Outlooks Conference, New York, June 1989.
“Integrated Digital Systems” Testimony before the House Committee on Science Space and Technology, March 1989.
“Federal Policy on Advanced Television Systems.” (with Suzanne Chambliss Neil, Lee McKnight, and Shawn O’Donnell) Action Memo to the House Telecommunications and Finance Subcommittee, February 1989.
“Single-Channel Backward-Compatible EDTV Systems” (with Andy Lippman, Arun Netravali, Edward Adelson and William Schreiber) SMPTE Journal Vol. 98, No.1, Jan 1989. |
“Telecommunications and Teleshopping” (with Diana Gagnon and Gail Kosloff), MIT Media Laboratory, Audience Research Facility 1988.
“The Shape of Things to Come” (with Lee McKnight, Shawn O’Donnell, Steven Schnieder and Mark Reynolds) MIT Media Laboratory, Advanced Television Research Program 1988.
“The New Media and the Home of the Future,” Advertising Research Foundation Symposium on the Future of Television Ratings, Princeton, NJ, September 1988.
“Broadband Services,” Towards a Universal Broadband Infrastructure, Bell Communications Research Conference, Salt Lake City, April 1988.
“The Mass Audience Looks at HDTV: An Early Experiment,” National Association of Broadcasters Annual Conference, Las Vegas, April 1988.
“Modeling Information Flows” (with Roger Hurwitz) Report for AT&T Communications Inc. 1987.
“The Home Media Center” (with Lee McKnight and Shawn O’Donnell) MIT Media Laboratory, Audience Research Facility, 1987.
“Media Innovation and the New Technologies,” Marketing Science Institute, Boston, November 1986.
“Communications as a Core Discipline,” Media Laboratory Summer Study, 1986.
“The Information Revolution,” Plenary address, Information Industries Association, Annual Conference, Washington, DC, November 1985.
“The Changing Video Environment,” Advertising Research Foundation, New York, March 1985.
“Potential Inequalities of Information Distribution in the New Media Environment,” Office of Technology Assessment, US Congress, Conference on Home Information Technologies, Washington, DC, January 1985.
“The Future of the National Telecommunications System,” (with Charles Jonscher and Marvin Sirbu), MIT Research Program on Communications Policy Annual Report, 1985.
“The Evolution of Videotex,” American Newspaper Publishers Association, Washington, DC, October 1984.
“The Coming Crises in Television Economics,” CBS Conference in Qualitative Ratings, New York, October 1984.
“Study of Audio Discrimination: Digital vs. Analog,” Audience Research Group, Advanced Television Research Project, MIT, 1984.
“Photographic Pilot Study of Visual Discrimination and Preference,” Audience Research Group, Advanced Television Research Project, MIT, 1984.
“Report on Preliminary Focus Group Interviews,” Audience Research Group, Advanced Television Research Project, MIT, 1984.
“Television and Quality Time,” Adweek, August 1984.
“Interactive Video” (with Teresa Cader), MIT Future of the Mass Audience Project, 1984.
“Radio and Television Broadcasting,” Funk and Wagnalls New Encyclopedia, 1983.
“The Global Village Revisited: New Media and Cultural Diversity,” UNESCO Courier, July 1982. |
“Communications Flow and the Mass Audience: A Commentary on Measurement Strategy,” National Science Foundation Workshop on Measurement of Communications Flow, July 1982.
“Putting the Communications Revolution in Perspective,” MIT Research Program on Communications Policy Report, September 1981.
“New Perspectives on Audience Research,” Report to the Office of Research, Corporation for Public Broadcasting, December 1979.
“The Year in Television Research,” TV Annual, Macmillan. 1979. |
“Communications Policy Research: Strategies of Inquiry,” Commissioned Report for the Markle Foundation, May 1979.